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Category Archives: General

Germany: Eritrean youth murdered in wake of anti-Muslim protests

Source: MWC News German Police have launched an investigation into the murder of a 20-year-old asylum seeker from Eritrea who had been beaten and stabbed to death in Dresden, the city at the centre of protests against Islam and immigration. The state prosecutors’ office confirmed on Thursday that the man, identified as the Khaled Idris […]

The West taking it small with Freedom of Speech.

In Europe, djihadists are accused of being the responsables of the attacks in Paris. This attack was understood suprisingly fast as being an attack against the freedom of press and the freedom of speech. Alot of journals are uniting with and doing like Charlie under the banner of secularity and create a tense atmosphere of […]

France: Anti-terror Alert coded Red after Killing Raid on “Charlie Hebdo” Office.

This morning in Paris 10 people and 2 police men were killed in a raid at the office of the french satire magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in the XI Department. According the french newspaper “Liberation”, 2 or 3 men entered the office and opened fire. The shootings lastecd for about 10 minutes. Witnesses reported to “Liberation” […]

Noam Chomsky on ISIS, Ferguson, Activism and Summer Camp

“These two founding crimes, slavery and extermination of the indigenous population, are very much with us.” Transcript of the Dec. 8, 2014 Laura Flanders Show interview with Noam Chomsky. This transcript was also published in Laura Flanders: President Obama chose the 10th anniversary of the (2004) Battle of Fallujah to announce the doubling of […]

Open letter to “concerned” Europeans

I come from a working man family. The major part of my friends belong to poor families. I know how shitty it feels, when one cannot afford all the Bling Bling we see on the TV every day. I know how it can make one nervous as hell when one depends from social compensations and […]

Refugees on Mediterranean in trouble, alarm phone is now operating!

-Welcome to Europe | Afrique Europe Interact | borderline-europe | Noborders Marocco | Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration | Voix des Migrants – Refugees on Mediterranean in trouble, alarm phone is now operating! + 334 86 51 71 61 Now that the Italian marine rescue operation ‘Mare Nostrum’ has ended, the ‘Boatspeople’ who are still trying […]

Time for a review, and time for some good intentions

The gooses and the turkeys got slaughtered and the streets and the shops are covered with christmas crap, 2014 is comming to an end. The year review will remind us how terrible it was with the war in Ukraine for starters. With Merkel still running Germany. With Germany still turning and speeding up the machine […]

“PEGIDA”: German anti-Islamic, racist and nationalist movements are growing.

Since October 2014, every Monday night, demonstrations are organised against an alleged Islamization of the West in the German city Dresden. The demonstrations are organised by the Dresden citizen initiative “PEGIDA” (“Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West”). In October, there were aproximatly 350 participants in Dresden. On december the 14th, their number has […]

Meanwhile in North-East Germany: The Big Bird Flu Panic

Movie review: Les moissons du future [Harvests of the Future]

  ‘Harvests of the Future’ by Marie Monique Robin. A movie about people worldwide proving that agriculture needs to be modernised by improving natural conditions, in order to save our world population from hunger and ecologic disasters. It also proves that pesticides and herbicides are in fact responsable for hunger crises on this planet. The […]