French prosecution” esteems there are no strong illegal elements in the justice case of Saidou, singer of the French anti-racist rap band ZEP (Zone d’Expression Populaire), and sociologist Saïd Bouamama.
After a trial lasting for about five hours held on tuesday at the correctional 17th chambre in Paris, attended by a big crowd of anti-racist activists, the prosecutor sees no reason to prosecute the authors of a book and a song titled “Nique La France” (Fuck France). Both were accused of “anti-white racism and inciting hatred and violence” by the Agrif, an extreme right wing fundamental catholic association in France.
The final judgment will be delivered on 19 March, the court will take into account all the arguments of the defendants, their defender Henri Braun, and five witnesses who defend not only freedom of expression but also the fight against racism and discrimination denounced by Said and Saïdou in their published texts.
The witnesses present at the trial were Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison, Mauritius Rasjfus Christine Delphy, Rokaya Diallo and Mrs. Legeorgette, linguistic specialist.
It is the creation of the concept “national identity” and a department of the same name, by the Sarkozy government, which provocated the French division and violated the principle of equality. It is in this context, that the the texts were written in 2010.
The criticisms in their lyrics “Nique la France” adresses clearly to a racist and colonialist France, not to all French. They have also been included in similar terms, pointed out the defense, by French singers like Georges Brassens, Pierre Perret, and Renaud, who never had to explain themselves in the court room.
Like some have claimed, it is not the words themselves creating a problem for a part of the civilian society, but the origins of those who express them. It leads to a stupid and ridiculous situation when people consider someone like Saïdou, French rapper, who was born in France of French parents, as less French as Philippe Seguin or Ségolène Royal, who were born outside the country!
The prosecuter claimed that the native french do not exist, the terme “native french” was only used during the french colonial occupation of Algeria.
Therefor we hope justice “will be done”. It would be quite curious when antiracists get sued, since the freedom of expression is claimed with alot more noise as soon she gets a bit harder on certain groups of the population.