In Europe, djihadists are accused of being the responsables of the attacks in Paris. This attack was understood suprisingly fast as being an attack against the freedom of press and the freedom of speech.
Alot of journals are uniting with and doing like Charlie under the banner of secularity and create a tense atmosphere of religious provocation. The authorities demand the people not to accuse muslims, and the muslims are at the same time forced by the state to take distance from the attacks and salafistic islamism. At the time, all we hear in the news are razzias going on against islamic tourists in France, Spain, Germany, Belgium and other countries. Who follows the news and believes everything being told, must feel very insecure. But I surely don’t believe the state reports taken over by mainstream media without further thinking. Every time I hear the news I like feel they are lying to us. At least they hide alot.
For me the states, the CIA and the NATO are the terrorists, they are more threathening than some djihadists hence they plannify the fields of combat were they will kill inocent people with rockets and drones, where regimes need to be changed, and they will gain big profits on our feelings of insecurity and indignation. Is it not possible that the terrorists were trained and financially supported by warlords within the NATO and CIA in order to destabilate the western world? Then we should blame nobody else but the NATO and the CIA, but then, hence the NATO and the CIA are so powerful, we also need to have a free press with the courage and the means to deal with such serious allegations and give us clear outcomes: yess, they did it, or no they didn’t. But they should not buy us the crap of lonely wolves, weither we talk about djihadists or right wing terrorist such as the NSU in Germany. The networks and their goals are bigger.
When mainstream media do not take the effort to deal with other versions than those pretended by the states then its clear enough who’s side the mainstream media is on and wich values she’s defending, the values of neoliberal market instead of values of humanity.
Directly in the aftermath of the attack in Paris, leaders and dictators of European states crossed arms with leaders and dictators from the other continents to demonstrate solidarity against terror and for the freedom of speech. But in fact, they are all totally disrespecting the values they pretend to defend.
Back to France. Alltough I am not a friend of the notorious french comedian and antisemite Dieudonné, his freedom of speech was aoffended when he got arrested for publishing following line on facebook “Je suis Charlie Coulibaly”: I am Charlie Coulibaly (Coulibaly was the attacker of the jewish food store in Paris. He is accused of having sympathy for the attacker Coulibaly. Apart from Dieudonné, 50 other persons got arrested in France in similar contexts, in the week following the paris attack. Beware for Dieudonné’s feelings and the 50 others when they come out of prison again, in their place I would be quite radicalised!
Further there is a need to keep an eye on the tribunal case in France against Saïdou, singer in the french rap group Z.E.P (Zone d’Expression Populaire) and the sociologist Saïd Bouamama after writing their book “Nique la France – Devoir à l’insolence” (Fuck France – The Duty of Insolence). Their case is starting on january the 20th, were they have to defend themselves against the accusation of anti-white racism.
In the rap text with the same title Saïdou sings “Nique la France et son passé colonialiste, ses odeurs, ses relents et ses réflexes paternalistes / Nique la France et son histoire impérialiste, ses murs, ses remparts et ses délires capitalistes”, “Fuck France and its colonial history / the paternal smells, walls and reflexes / Fuck France and its imperial history / capitalistic walls, fortresses and madness.”
Bouamama and Saïdou explained why they use this kind of language, a slang used by a lot of young people in France to express their feeling of being disrespected and insulted. Behind this expression there is a demand for equalitiy. But the AGRIF, General Alliance against Racism and for the defence of the French and Christian Identity in France, showed no understanding for their explanation and sued Bouama and Saïdou, who have to prepare for a long and difficult trial.
Further in France the rap group La Rumeur fought for about 8 years in a juristic merry-go-round for their freedom of speech, they sang about how the minestry of interior affairs concealed reports on the number of their “brothers” killed by the police, estimated numbers for the last 40 years calculate between 500 and 1000 of people killed by the police in France. The minister of interior affairs at the time, Nicolas Sarkozy, sued La Rumeur and only in 2010 the group was acquitted by the french Supreme Court.
Ethnic Gap
Some opinions are generally defended, other opinions are criminalised. And some believe that the indignation following certain opinions have an ethnic side. The french poet André Breton once called France “The Nation of Pigs and Dogs”. Léo Ferré sang long time ago “Le temps que je baise ma Marseillaise”, “The time I will fuck my national hymne”, wich almost means the same as “Fuck France” They never had to deal with real consequences.
Same for the phillosopher Jean Baudrillard, who talked in the US about “how beatiful it is to see the world super power destroyed after 9/11”. Concerning explaining away terrorism he went quite further than the bad taste joke of Dieudonné.
For the attacks in Paris there was a need of an ethnic gap within the french society and Bouama believes that the way the society is dealing with the limits of free expression the gap is getting deeper.